Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Narative artical

Title: Quicksilver
Author: Stephanie Spin

This book, Quicksilver is about the Greek ‘god’ Hermes living a life with no worries and is absolutely carefree. He is suddenly mixed up in the Trojan War, and now he wants nothing but the peace to return. This also changed his opinions on many things and matured him in a good way.

This was an amusing novel, which is very enjoyable. Spinner took something old and morphed it into something new. Rarely does a book begins with, “It’s dark and gloomy, and it smells like dead sheep, but when Zeus says go to Hell, I go.” Perhaps it is the humor, or maybe just its simple charm that hooked me in right from the beginning to the end. Another thing that this book is memorable is that it has great foreshadowing and a certain amount of irony going on.

This book is easy to read, interesting and good for your English, I recommend it to all those who are intrigued in another culture’s perspective.

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