Tuesday, June 19, 2007

International artical about my country

http://http://www.nzherald.co.nz/section/2/story.cfm?c_id=2&objectid=10444015&pnum=0China's chubby teens set to waltz away the fat

Beijing the capital city of china is developed so fast and the school children’s weights are becoming weightier and weightier as well. If take back to 70s’ or 80s’,most students were very slim and active. But now it is common to see so many fat boys and girls in a classroom.

What made these students’ body change; life style may be one reason that causes these students fat, or obesity. Food has changed a lot from those years, people used to eat lots of fruits and vegetable, but now they are instead by meat, cock, KFC and ice cream.
Another reason is the less of activity students used to play many kinds of games and outdoor activities, but now all of these are taken over by computer game and other kinds study tasks.
It is really sad for this things happen, we can not help asking who can take responsibility for this, just because we have more money, should we spoil our children?

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