Tuesday, June 19, 2007

film review

my oral skill2
film review

I am really into the TV serious recently .the exciting name is called "THE PRISON BREAK", I am so impressed by the main actor Machel's wisdom.and his rock character,and just like the advertise on the begining of the every epsode. " the prison break bring you by the edeg."this is true ,in many situation it is just beyond your c imagination.and my family and me were absolutly absobed into it and hate those advertise insert in between.

The serious is about Machel's brother was put into prison by someone's frame up.Machel design a plan by rubbery bank in order to stay with his brother,and everything under his plan,inside the prison all kinds of
people there and Machel made friends and fainally find a way to get out of prison .
however,the life at outside the prison is even worse than the inside .because they never actaully escaped away from the chasing by police.some of them were killed during the chasing ,but Machel and his brother
try to let everyone know the real fact.and always meet the unimaginable problem.
this serious is still playing on every wednesday and diffinitely I will set in front at TV again.

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