Sunday, June 24, 2007

smacking bill

enhttp:// 5

Domestic newspaper

It is really heat debate about smacking bill,lots people agree to it and lots people disagree it ,all people can give whatever reasons for support it or object it,and all those reasons sound fair enough .

I have not got very strong feeling about the bill,as a migrant may be I still think I am not fit in this Country yet.but sometimes I do think something ridiculous or stupid.

compare to some place New Zealand really advanced in many aspects ,but on the other hand sometimes it is too rigit ,and tipical example on the migrants is why so many people can't find right jobs.lots peaple have working experience but they need new zealand experience,so from the anti smacking bill we can learn another example some people's think out of realty.

entry 2 book review

entry 2 book reviwe

"making big bucks " is written by William Taylor who was born Low Hutt and live in Ohakune .
he is interesting in gardening and reading and varity outdoor activity.

this book is about Tom and his friends from thinking about money through discussing to make big money,I think it was very interesting book ,their first question was "what make the world go round ?"asked by Tom and his friends give so many answers and Tom give them the answer until week late ,and he also have a plan in his mind how to make big money,and his friends in the end all agree that it is the money make the world go round and the money is the "axle"
which is the word they talking.
why so many jobs that they have to do at home for free?true It is lot of interesting story happend in the book.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

film review

my oral skill2
film review

I am really into the TV serious recently .the exciting name is called "THE PRISON BREAK", I am so impressed by the main actor Machel's wisdom.and his rock character,and just like the advertise on the begining of the every epsode. " the prison break bring you by the edeg."this is true ,in many situation it is just beyond your c imagination.and my family and me were absolutly absobed into it and hate those advertise insert in between.

The serious is about Machel's brother was put into prison by someone's frame up.Machel design a plan by rubbery bank in order to stay with his brother,and everything under his plan,inside the prison all kinds of
people there and Machel made friends and fainally find a way to get out of prison .
however,the life at outside the prison is even worse than the inside .because they never actaully escaped away from the chasing by police.some of them were killed during the chasing ,but Machel and his brother
try to let everyone know the real fact.and always meet the unimaginable problem.
this serious is still playing on every wednesday and diffinitely I will set in front at TV again.

International artical about my country

http://'s chubby teens set to waltz away the fat

Beijing the capital city of china is developed so fast and the school children’s weights are becoming weightier and weightier as well. If take back to 70s’ or 80s’,most students were very slim and active. But now it is common to see so many fat boys and girls in a classroom.

What made these students’ body change; life style may be one reason that causes these students fat, or obesity. Food has changed a lot from those years, people used to eat lots of fruits and vegetable, but now they are instead by meat, cock, KFC and ice cream.
Another reason is the less of activity students used to play many kinds of games and outdoor activities, but now all of these are taken over by computer game and other kinds study tasks.
It is really sad for this things happen, we can not help asking who can take responsibility for this, just because we have more money, should we spoil our children?

Monday, June 18, 2007

entre6 Diploma drip

week10 textblog entry6 (This is a article that replace my dip trip)

My Saturdays almost are almost same all the time, I get up about 8,30am in the morning and server some breakfast, then go out for a walk with my wife or only my self, I never feel bored when strive at one tree hill, I always impressed by the beautiful view. Quit environment and fresh air. About 10am I usually spent time at home with my daughters, I have two daughters one is 14 years old another is nearly 3 years old, so I spend my most time with them at this time, it is really lot of fun at this time. After lunch, my wife looks after my young daughter to have a nap and I prepare my gears to go swimming, in the swimming pool I normally swim about 1 km distance and steam ralaxation.then go home. Like most days after dinner I watch TV with family for a while, then talking or on Internet or reading or watch DVD etc.

Text Blog Entry Four My Break

what is your plan for your break ?my friend murry ask me on the phone, "Do you know the tiri tiri matange?it is beautiful island ,we are going to go ,are you interesting to go? i will e-mail somthing about the island ."
our family were immidiately attracted by those lovely pictures,so we made decision we would go.
It was beatiful day, we started off home at 8 am
it took us 45mintets drive to golf hubour,this was a new developing area all buildings are new .
and all buildings' roof are same colour,really quit and nity shburb of city.
the boat went off at 10 am,took us 20 minests to the small island ,it was good experience on a boat,20 minetes late we arrived the island ,someone give us a oritation and we walk into the bush ,we had seen lots of different birds,we had lunch at beach.
so when got home we all exausted.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Narative artical

Title: Quicksilver
Author: Stephanie Spin

This book, Quicksilver is about the Greek ‘god’ Hermes living a life with no worries and is absolutely carefree. He is suddenly mixed up in the Trojan War, and now he wants nothing but the peace to return. This also changed his opinions on many things and matured him in a good way.

This was an amusing novel, which is very enjoyable. Spinner took something old and morphed it into something new. Rarely does a book begins with, “It’s dark and gloomy, and it smells like dead sheep, but when Zeus says go to Hell, I go.” Perhaps it is the humor, or maybe just its simple charm that hooked me in right from the beginning to the end. Another thing that this book is memorable is that it has great foreshadowing and a certain amount of irony going on.

This book is easy to read, interesting and good for your English, I recommend it to all those who are intrigued in another culture’s perspective.