Tuesday, May 15, 2007

week ten_oral blog portfolio post entry seven diploma lecture2

http://http://www.police.govt.nz/this is a lecture on 15-05-07 at lecture room.the topic is:

NZ policeman

constable rohon stace

he is a in the late of 30years old ,and handsome and very clearly delieved the general idea of
new zealand police ,jump to conclusion there are the main tips belew.
communication with police
emergency situation and non emergency situation
when burglar is in your hourse
when someone is attacking you '
dail 111
non emergency situation
when lose your passport ;driver licence
when you found your property been stolen
police duty
preserve life ;protect property;
complain about police can go any police station and visit "police complain authority(PCA)

Wednesday, May 9, 2007


Group A
Both pictures show different study atmosphere in classroom.in class 1 students sit in their tables in silence.teacher sit in front of class doing her own job.
However in class 2 students are more active, they are following the teacher and trying to answer questions,so I thing the class 2 is more effective.

the first pitureshttp://http://www.designshare.com/portfolio/project/1/566/07%20typical%20classroom.jpg

Sunday, May 6, 2007

domestic newspaper headline

entry 4domestic newspaper headline

This is from New Zealand hearld
New drug trail hope weman for discourage.
Climate change cause mental problem
These are from Dominion post
Extra $2million for paying airport galley delay.
High speed chase cause a man dead on Saturday at playmoth
This is from the press
30,000 students skip class everyday
below is from Otago Daily Times.
Support smacking bill by his both research and own experience.

My interesting story is “support smacking bill by his both research and own Experience.”
Three pronunciation features
“smacking:/ai/research:/i/ experience:/i/